Makeup Lessons

1-1 Makeup Lessons

Loved your wedding day look but have no idea where to start to recreate it? Stuck in a bit of a rut? Or just simply would like to learn some new skills?

Why not book in for a 1-1 Makeup Lesson. My lessons last for 2 hours and I can show you the tips and tricks that I have accumulated over my years in the industry. You’ll be feeling confident in no time!

Elopement Makeup Lesson

You’re running away! Whether it be to Vegas, Gretna Green or your local registry office - you’ve chose to do it your way and I LOVE it. Maybe you feel like you’d like a helping hand on deciding the final makeup look though? Why not book in for a lesson prior to the day, we can chat through your look, decide on colours, get you a shopping list and you’ll even get a step by step guide to follow on the morning.